Welcome to the Cult of Galaxy

Greetings space travellers, and welcome to the magical world of Kinoko and the Cult of Galaxy! With Blackhole wreaking havoc across the Milky Way, and the goddess Galaxy nowhere to be found, our universe is a dangerous place to travel alone… but fear not! Kinoko and his starsprite friends are here to guide you safely.

Ready to explore? Read up on our game, get up-to-date on our comics, check out what we’re up to in our blog, or go off on your own and start discovering the world of Kinoko!

Latest updates

Planning for a demo Published by James on 30/06/2024

Today, I have lots more to share with you on our game’s recent progress, and also some thoughts on the thing that everyone’s been really patiently waiting for: the potential, first ever demo release for our Kinoko and the Cult of Galaxy game!

New merchandise now available Published by James on 11/05/2024

I thought I’d take a quick break from working on our game to announce officially that – in celebration of hitting the 5,000+ follower milestone over on Twitter – we’ve just launched a selection of new merchandise over in the Cult of Galaxy Shop, and it’s available right now!

Kinoko’s tablet Published by James on 30/04/2024

With platforming finally in a decent and prototypable place, we’re ready to begin looking at another of our game’s core facilities: Kinoko’s tablet, which will serve as the game’s primary user interface and provide Kinoko with access to his inventory, maps, unlocked outfits, and lots more besides!

Time for another monthly update Published by James on 31/03/2024

Once again, I’ve left the monthly round-up until the very last possible moment, and so I haven’t had a chance to think of a theme for this one. Like last month, I’m just going to take this as an opportunity to read back over all my diary entries for the month and see what we accomplished in March!

Returning to work Published by James on 29/02/2024

Since I’ve not had a chance to think of any particular ‘theme’ for this month’s statutory blog post, I thought it’d be a nice exercise just to write up a February recap. After a very unfortunate end to 2023 and start to 2024, here’s an encouraging retrospective on the last four weeks.

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