
Classification: Magical or theoretical
Diet: Varies
Life expectancy: Generally considered immortal
Collective noun: Unknown
Juvenile noun: Unknown
Alternative names: Unknown

Gods are deities worshipped by religious factions all across the Milky Way Galaxy.

The two main gods worshipped in the galaxy are the goddess Galaxy herself, who created the universe, and Blackhole, her first star who ultimately destroyed her, and is often now viewed as a god in his own right.

However, there are many other deities worshipped by religious groups, which may be either monotheistic (believing in a single, supreme god) or polytheistic (believing in multiple gods, with varying levels of power and spheres of control or influence).

Although religion remains popular across the Milky Way Galaxy, many species worship no gods at all. This may either be because they are atheistic, or because they believe in them but do not revere them, or because – like the kuparkukes of Fungaia – they worship something else, such as their planet.

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